Previous Issues: Research & Scholarship

Geospatial Centroid Map

Research & Scholarship

Not your grandfather’s mapmaking

At its core, the Centroid uses geographic information systems, open-source programming languages, and other geospatial technologies to visualize and analyze data.

Living Ink screenprinting


Living Ink grows into sustainable printing

Living Ink’s algae-based pigment is renewable, biodegradable, and carbon-negative, because the algae absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they grow and produce oxygen through photosynthesis.

CSU Research Expenditures Chart

Research & Scholarship

Another record year for research

In the past fiscal year, CSU’s sponsored projects expenditures totaled $456.9 million, up from $447.2 million in fiscal year 2020-21.

Firefighters fighting a forest fire


Which buildings will survive a wildfire?

CSU engineers have developed a model that can predict how wildfire will impact a community, down to which buildings will burn.

Infectious Disease Research Center


At CSU, even the labs are going green

Green labs follow the “3 Rs” – reduce, reuse, and recycle – to keep waste out of the landfill, and reduce energy use where possible.

Dominique David-Chavez

Climate Change

CSU researcher part of Indigenous climate resilience science hub

The collaborative pairs Indigenous knowledge and earth science research to improve climate resilience in coastal communities most affected by severe climate hazards.

Rebekah Kading


DNA barcodes reveal mosquito movement

Researchers can not only track where the mosquitoes ended up, but also where they started and how they moved.

Pots Pans and cooking utensils


Cooking, cleaning, and indoor air quality

When you’re cooking or cleaning inside your home, what chemicals are you breathing, and are they potentially harmful? Colorado State University chemists have given us a solid start on the answer. A large, collaborative research experiment that attempted to map the airborne chemistry of a typical home took place in 2018 and was co-led by […]

Hydro Bilding CSU SPUR


CSU Spur Hydro lab TAPs into six types of water

In a building dedicated to all things water is a first-of-its-kind lab dedicated to developing innovative ways to clean and reuse humanity’s most precious resource. 

Data of arial snow collection


Tom Painter cracks the calculus of snowmelt

Painter combines his interests in data and snow to measure, model, and predict the amount of water in snowpack to improve water management.